*略号一覧 [#b41f2258]
|AA|American Anthropologist||
|BSOAS|Bulletion of the School of Oriental and African Studies||
|CQ|Classical Quarterly||
|DDD|Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible|1999. Leiden: Brill.|
|EI2|Encyclopedia of Islam, Second Edition||
|EIEC|Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture||
|EIr|Encyclopedia Iranica||
|ERE|Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics||
|HR|History of Religions||
|HSAI|Handook of South American Indians||
|HTR|Harvard Theological Review||
|JNES|Journal of Near Eastern Studies||
|JRAS|Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland||
|LIMC|Lexicon Iconographie Mythologiae Classicae||
|OCD|Oxford Classical Dictionary||
|PoS|Peoples of Siberia||
|RlA|Reallexikon der Assyliologie||
|VT|Vetus Testamentum||

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