*rpu [#m5440197]
n. m.~
+"divine ancestral hero", ancestor of the Ugaritic dynasty, singly and as a group.
+'''Rpu''', eponymous deity of this group.
+in the expression '''mt rpi'''

-Hebrew '''rp?''', '''rp?ym''', HALOT 1274f.
-Phoenician, Punic '''rp?m''', DNWSI 1081f.
-Amorite /raapi?um/, Huffmon APN 263f.
-Gelb CAAA 30.

-Cf. Del Olmo MLC 411ff.~
De Moor ZAW 88 1976 323ff.~
Caquot Syria 53 1976 295ff.~
Dietrich - Loretz - Sanmartin UF 8 1976 45ff.~
Pope Fs. Finkelstein 163ff.~
L'Heureux HTR 67 1974 265ff.

¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /raapi?(u)/ in PNN~
Sivan GAGl 264.
¶ par.: '''ilny''', '''mhr''', '''mlk(I)''', '''qbTs'''(+ '''ddn''')

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