
n. m.

  1. "divine ancestral hero", ancestor of the Ugaritic dynasty, singly and as a group.
  2. Rpu, eponymous deity of this group.
  3. in the expression mt rpi


  • Hebrew rp?, rp?ym, HALOT 1274f.
  • Phoenician, Punic rp?m, Dictionary of the North-West Semitic Inscriptions, 1995, 1081f.
  • Amorite /raapi?um/, Huffmon Amorite Personal Names in the Mari Texts: A Structural and Lexical Study, 1965, 263f.
  • Gelb Computer-aided Analysis of Amorite, 1985, 30.
  • Cf. Del Olmo MLC 411ff.
    De Moor Zeitschrift fur die alttestamentlische Wissenschaft 88 1976 323ff.
    Caquot Syria 53 1976 295ff.
    Dietrich - Loretz - Sanmartin UF 8 1976 45ff.
    Pope Essays on the Ancient Near East in Memory of Jacob Joel Finkelstein, 1977, 163ff.
    L'Heureux HTR 67 1974 265ff.

¶ syll. Ug.: cf. the element /raapi?(u)/ in PNN
Sivan Grammatical Analysis and Glossary of the Northwest Semitic Vocables in Akkadian Texts of the 15th-13th C.B.C. from Canaan and Syria, 1984, 264.
¶ par.: ilny, mhr, mlk(I), qbTs(+ ddn).
¶ Forms: sg. abs./cstr./ rpu, rpi

pl. rpum, rpim, cstr. rpi.

DUL, pp. 742-43.

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Last-modified: 2008-09-05 (金) 17:31:07