
Name masculine. 1) "beast, mythical animal"; 2) "demon".

  • Arabc dabbab, dubb, dābbat, Lane 841f.;
    Hebrew db, The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament 207f.,;
  • cf. Dietrich-Loretz Ugarit-Forschungen 10 1978 62;
    Loletz-Xella Materiali lessicali ed epigrafici, 1 38f.;
    Van Soldt Ugarit-Forschungen 21 1989 *1 369ff.;
  • cf. De Moor Ugarit-Forschungen 12 1980 430;
    de Moor, An Anthology of Religious Texts from Ugarit, Leiden 1987, 46: 'flying demon' / 'winged monster', Ugarit ḏbb;
    survey: Wyatt Religious Texts from Ugarit. The Words of Ilimilku and his Colleagues, 422 n.2.

¶ Forms: plural dbbm.

1) Mythical beast: db bm d msdt arṣ beasts of the foundations of the earth, 1.4 I 39

  • cf. Caquot - Sznycer Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient. Textes Ougaritiques, II. Textes religieux. Rituels. Correspondance, Paris 1989, 196 n.q, 'rampant', Arabic dabba;
    differently: Margalit A Matter of 'Life' and 'Death'. A Study of the Baal-Mot Epic (CTA 4-5-6), 22 ,'effusion', Arabic ḏwb).

2) Demon: ydy dbbm d ġzr expulsion of the demons of the young (adolescent), 1.169:1

  • differently: Del Olmo Canaanite Religion According to the Liturgical Texts of Ugarit 385 n.177: 'strength', Arabic ġazr, Avishur Ugarit-Forschungen 13 1981 17: 'enemy', / 'evil worlds', Akkadian dabābu;
    Aartun Ugarit-Forschungen 16 1984 10f.: 'hinterhältige Unternehmung', Arabic dabū;
    Caquot Caquot - Sznycer Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient. Textes Ougaritiques, II. Textes religieux. Rituels. Correspondance, Paris 1989, 54, n.122: 'parole', Akkadian dabābu; cf. Dietrich - Loretz TUAT 2 335);

aphm kšpm dbbm ygrš and then may the wizards cast out the demons, 1.169:9

  • differently: Caquot Littératures anciennes du Proche-Orient. Textes Ougaritiques, II. Textes religieux. Rituels. Correspondance 57 n.141: 'qui parlent';
    Dietrich - Loretz TUAT 2 335: '(Beschwörungs)worte', cf. previous text for thsese and other translations

in uncertain context: km l tudn dbbm kšpm (...) yšpk kmm arṣ kšpm dbbm just as the sorcerers do not listen to the demons... so the sorcerees spill to the ground the demons, Ras Shamra-Ougarit 14 52 [KTU 9.435]:9, 13

  • differently Bordreuil - Pardee Ras Shamra-Ougarit 14 52 p. 389f., 391f.: 'tourmenteurs', dabābu.

*1 from here page 261 starts

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Last-modified: 2008-08-14 (木) 20:23:37